Monday, August 23, 2010

Vague vs. Ambiguous

We face vagueness and ambiguous sentence almost everyday in our daily life.Even on simplest things that we say, and even commercials and ads nowadays are ambiguous.

Almost every time when a teenage kid wanted to go out , they used vague sentences when talking to their parents. Their parents asked them where are they  going and what are they going to do last night. Typically just said," I am going out with friends". Most of them did that because they  didn't want their parents to judge social activities that I do or give me an early curfew. I bet some you do realize that this happening repeatedly among students.

As for ambiguous sentences, There are a few ads in the internet that were ambiguous. For instance, people are actually really curious about AT&T cellphone services commercials because of the way that they word their claims about coverage. In one their recent ads they claim that Verizon cellphone services has very little coverage compared to AT&T ( and then they show the little maps to prove it). We find that claim to be ambiguous because I question whether they talking about AT&T's the best coverage with the amount of people in different areas or about the reception that is available in different areas.


Amirul Hafidz